

IMPORTANT: Transfer of domain registration confirmation

Dear Valued GoDaddy.com Customer:

The registration of the following domain name(s) has been successfully transferred to you:


Now's the time to make sure all the information associated with this domain is accurate and up to date.

Please log in to your GoDaddy.com, Inc. account to view or change your domain details:
  1. Go to the GoDaddy.com home page and log in with your username or customer number and password.
  2. From the My Products list, you can manage, renew, and upgrade your products and services.

To retrieve your customer number or password hint or to reset your password, click the "Forgot Your Password?" hyperlink in the login area on the home page.

Auto-Renew Your Domain(s) Now!
When you modify your option to Auto-Renew, you won't have to do it yourself when your domain(s) are about to expire.
  1. In the My Products section, select "Domains."
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the domain(s) you want to modify, and then click "Change Auto Renew." If you selected multiple domains, enable the fields using checkboxes on the right.
  3. Select "Automatically Renew Domains."

Special Offer!

Take 10%* off your next order at GoDaddy.com!
After you've set up your account, enjoy 10% savings on us. The next time you visit GoDaddy.com, simply enter source code gdbb103 at checkout to receive your savings. Or mention the code when you call

Once again, welcome and congratulations on a successful transfer of domain registration.


*Not applicable to ICANN fees, taxes, shipping & handling, sale priced domain names, bulk domains, premium domains, auction domains, Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations, discounted memberships or maintenance plans; custom page layouts, brand identity services, Go Daddy Marketplace® products, posters, die-cast cars or gift cards. Discount reflected in your shopping cart – cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or promotion, including renewals discounted from current list pricing. Offer subject to change without notice.

Copyright 2009 GoDaddy.com, Inc. All rights reserved.

