

GoDaddy.com Renewal Notice

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Renewal Notice

Customer Number for this Account: 32761597

Dear xiaodong qiao,

 REMINDER: Renew early for multiple years and lock in your savings!

The following domain name(s) are set to automatically renew on the date(s) listed:

Renew now and
Save 20%
off your order*
USE PROMO CODE: gd4920d30
LINGZHIBAOZI.ORG - Nov. 14, 2011
You will qualify for a deeper bulk discount if you renew 6 or more domains at once!

IMPORTANT: If the credit card we have on file for you has expired or been closed, we will not be able to automatically renew your domain(s). To review and update your credit card information, log in to your account by entering your customer number or user name and password and then clicking "My Account." When you have accessed the account management area, click the "My Account" button on the left hand side of the screen. Then click the "Credit Cards and Payment Info" link.

NOTE: For certain ccTLDs,*** if renewals are not processed in the proper respective time frame, redemption fees may be applied and/or your domain name may be placed on non-renewal status. You will only be able to renew the name by calling Go Daddy. Also, refer to this help article for more details.
Domain Deals

.CO is the first truly global, recognizable domain to come along in years. Choose the name you really want. $29.99 $17.99/yr. Get one now!

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Just $11.99 $7.49** Get started!

Anyone can see your personal information online. Your name. Your address. Your phone number. Protect it with Private Registration for $9.99. NOW $3.99!
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Renewal Pricing†
(per domain)

.com $11.99**
.net $14.99**
.org $14.99**
.info $11.99 $8.99**
.mobi $17.99
.biz $14.99**
.co $29.99
.us $19.99
.me $19.99

$29.99 $17.99
$14.99 $9.99**
$14.99 $6.99**
$11.99 $1.99**
$14.99 $5.99**

*Not applicable to ICANN fees, taxes, shipping and handling, sale priced domain names, bulk domains, premium domains, Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations and pre-registrations, memberships or maintenance plans, additional disk space and bandwidth renewals, additional AdSpace advertising funds, custom page layouts, incorporation and brand identity services, Go Daddy branded merchandise, posters, die-cast cars or gift cards. Discount reflected in your shopping cart – cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or promotion. Offer subject to change without notice.
**Plus ICANN fee of $0.18 cents per domain name year.
***.com.br, .net.br, .fr, .se, .nl, .it, .am, .at, .be, .cn, .de, .eu, .fm, .gs, .it, .jp, .ms, .nu, .co.nz, .net.nz, .org.nz, .tc, .tk, .uk, .co.uk, .me.uk, .org.uk, and .vg.
†Price shown may include sale price (sale price will be reflected in red if applicable). Your renewal cost may be less. Please log in to your account on GoDaddy.com for specific pricing.

Prices are current as of 10/15/2011, and may be changed without notice. All domain name registrations and renewals are non-refundable and are subject to the terms and conditions of our Registration Agreement. Certain domains will be billed up to 30 days prior to the renewal date.

Copyright © 2011 GoDaddy.com, Inc. All rights reserved.

