


电阻焊  resistance welding (RW)

点焊  spot welding; resistance spot welding

凸焊  projection welding

缝焊  seam welding

滚点焊  roll-spot welding

连续点焊  stitch welding

多点焊  multiple spot welding

手压点焊  push welding; poke welding

单面点焊  indirect spot welding

双面点焊  direct spot welding

脉冲点焊  pulsation spot welding; multiple-impulse welding 

串联点焊  series spot welding

多点凸焊  multiple projection welding

频道进缝焊  step-by-step seam welding

压平缝焊  mash seam welding

串联缝焊  series seam welding

对接缝焊  butt seam welding; foil-butt seam

电阻对焊  upset butt welding

闪光对焊  flash butt welding (FBW)

储能焊  stored energy welding

电容储能点焊  condenser discharge spot welding

高频电阻焊  high frequency resistance welding

冲击电阻焊  percussion welding

胶接点焊  spot weld-bonding; weld-bonding

闪光  flashing; flash

过梁  bridge; lintel

顶锻  upsetting; upset

夹紧力  clamping force

顶锻力  upsetting force; upset force

电极压力  electrode force; electrode pressure

电极滑移  electrode skid

焊接循环  welding cycle

预压时间  squeeze time

锻压时间  forge-delay time; forge time

焊接通电时间(电阻焊) welding time (resistance welding)

预热时间  preheat time

加热时间  heat time

冷却时间  cool time

间歇时间  quench time; chill time

回火时间  temper time

维持时间  hold time

休止时间  off time

闪光时间  flash time; flashing time

顶锻时间  upset time; upsetting time

有电顶锻时间  upset current time

无电顶锻时间  upset current-off time

闪光速度  flashing speed

闪光电流  flashing current; flash current

顶锻电流  upset current

预热电流  preheat current

回火电流  temper current

调伸长度  initial overhange; extension

闪光留量  flash allowance

顶锻留量  upset allowance

顶锻速度  upset speed

电极接触面  electrode contact surface

贴合面  faying surface

焊点  welding spot

熔核  nugget

熔核直径  diameter of nugget

塑性金属环区  corona bond

焊透率  penetration rate

压痕  indentation

压痕深度  depth of indentation

压深率  indentation ratio

翘离  sheet separation

缩孔  shrinkage cavity

胡须  intrusion

电极粘损  electrode pick up

喷溅  splash/ expulsion

毛刺  fin

飞边  upset metal/ fin

焊点距  weld spacing/ spot weld spacing

边距  edge distance

分流  shunt current

接触电阻  contact resistance

电阻焊机  resistance welding machine

点焊机  spot welding machine

多点焊机  multiple spot welding machine

移动式点焊机  portable spot welding machine

缝焊机  seam welding machine

纵横两用缝焊机  universal seam welder

对焊机  butt resistance welding machine

凸焊机  projection welding machine

三相低频焊机  three phase low frequency welder

二次整流电阻焊机  direct current resistance welder secondary rectification

电容储能电阻焊机  condenser discharge resistance welder

电容储能点焊机  condenser type spot welder/ capacitor spot welding machine

工频电阻焊机  mains frequency resistance welding machine

低频电阻焊机  frequency converter resistance welding machine

高频焊机  high frequency induction welder

逆变式电阻焊机  inverter type resistance welding machine

全波阻焊电源  full wave resistance welding power source

斩波阻焊电源  chopped wave resistance welding power source

旋转焊接变压器  rotary welding transformer

C形点焊钳  C-type welding head/ C-type gun

X形点焊钳  pincer spot welding head/ pliers spot welding head

断续器  contactor

同步断续器  synchronous contactor

异步断续器  non-synchronous contactor

程序控制器  sequencer

程序时间调节器  sequencer timer

熔透深度   penetration depth

电极臂  arm

电极握杆  electrode holder

电极台板  backup die/ bolster

电极水冷管  electrode cooling tube

电极头  electrode tip

电极帽  electrode cap

锥头电极  truncated tip electrode

平头电极  flat tip electrode

尖头电极  pointed tip electrode

球面电极  radius tip electrode

偏心电极  offest electrode

直电极  straight electrode

弯电极  cranked electrode

双弯电极  double cranked (swannecked) electrode

滚轮电极  circular electrode/ welding wheel

斜棱滚轮电极  bevelled wheel

顶锻机构  upsetting mechanism

电极总行程  total electrode stroke

工作行程  operational stroke

辅助行程  electrode travel/ electrode stroke

臂间距离  horn spacing/ throat opening

电极臂伸出长度  arm extension

摩擦焊  friction welding (FW)

转速  friction speed

摩擦压力  friction pressure/ heating pressure

摩擦时间  friction time

摩擦变形量  burn-off length

摩擦变形速度  burn-off rate

停车时间  stopping time

顶锻变形量  forge length

顶锻变形速度  forge rate

摩擦表面  friction surface

储能摩擦焊  fly-wheel type friction welding

径向摩擦焊  radial friction welding

扩散焊  diffusion welding (DW)

过渡液相扩散焊  transient liquid phase diffusion welding

热等静压扩散焊  hot isotatic pressure diffusion welding

热轧扩散焊  roll diffusion welding

扩散缝焊  seam diffusion welding

超塑成形扩散焊  supperplastic forming diffusion bounding

隔离剂  buttering material

爆炸焊  explosive welding (EW)

爆炸点焊  explosive spot welding

爆炸线焊  explosive line welding

多层板爆炸焊  explosive welding of multiplayer plates

多层管爆炸焊  explosive welding of multiplayer tubes

覆板(覆管)  cladding plat (tube)/ flyer plate (tube)

基板(基管)  base plate(tube)/ parent plate (tube)

保护层  buffer/ protector

基础  base

预置角  preset angle

间距  initial stand-off/ spacing

装药量  explosive load

装药密度  charge density/ loading density

质量比  mass ratio

平行法  parallel plate configuration

角度法  preset angle configuration

均匀布药  average arranging explosive

梯形布药  gradient arranging explosive

爆炸焊参数  explosive welding parameters

初始参数  initial parameters

动态参数  dynamic parameters

界面参数  interface parameters

爆轰速度  detonation velocity

覆板速度  cladding plate velocity

碰撞点  impact point

碰撞点速度  velocity of the impact point

弯折角  bending angle

碰撞角  collision angle

碰撞压力  impact pressure

格尼能  Gurney energy

垂直碰撞  normal impact

倾斜碰撞  oblique impact/ inclined impact

对称碰撞  symmetrical impact

来流  upper stream

出流  down stream

再入射流  re-entrant jet

自清理  oneself cleaning

结合区  bond zone

平面结合  plane bond

波状结合  wave-like bond

界面波长  length of the interfacial wave

界面波幅  amplitude of the interfacial wave

熔化层  molten layer

熔化袋  molten pocket

雷管区  detonator zone

边界效应  edge effect

焊接性窗口  weldability windows

焊着率  ratio of welding area

内爆法  internal explosion process

外爆法  external explosion process

半圆柱试验法  semi-cylinder experiment method

超声波焊  ultrasonic welding (UW)

超声波点焊  ultrasonic spot welding

超声波缝焊  ultrasonic seam welding

超声波点焊机  ultrasonic spot welder

超声波缝焊机  ultrasonic seam welder

冷压焊  cold pressure welding (CPW)

热压焊  hot pressure welding

热轧焊  hot roll welding

旋弧压力焊  rotating arc pressure welding

埋弧压力焊  submerged arc pressure welding

电渣压力焊  electroslag pressure welding

气压焊  gas pressure welding

锻焊  forge-welding/ blacksmith welding

磁力脉冲焊  magnetic-pulse welding

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